Business benefits

Small companies

Quick deployment, ease of use

Low price, fast ROI

Documents in a safe, retrievable archive

Instant access to documents

Customization – without developer efforts

Mobility - access through the web from anywhere, any time

Increase number of user licences according to your needs

Mid-sized companies

A unified and centralized document storage

High acceptance among users

Secure, controlled access to documents

Unified documentation of projects

Fast response time for searches in up to several thousands of documents

Ensure business continuity thanks to the secure document archiving

Quality Assurance Compliance

Large, multinational companies

For corporate clients we recommend TriDoc enterprise license solutions that are custom tailored within individual projects. The main advantages are:

Facilitate and promote collaboration between departments, subsidiaries

Clear, controllable responsibilities

Business process automation

Increased corporate decision-making efficiency

Eliminate unnecessary document handover between departments

Decrease document storage costs, support compliance with environmental protection directives

Multilingual use within a unified system

Within the specific project, due to the applied SOA technology, the TriDoc Easy document management system can be extended with additional application mosaics, modules.

Additional modules are, as for example:

Project Management Module

Customer Relationship Management Module

Workflow management module

TopManagement Dashboard, etc..

For further information about our enterprise licence contact our business affiliate nearest to your location, or call us!


Unified documentation rules

The unified documentation rules means a single, transparent methodology for document management. With its use the document related tasks (filing, approval, archiving, search) can not only be carried out faster, but from day to day it becomes part of our daily routine and as such, more and more efficient.

The TriDoc allows filing of documents along multiple dimensions. The TriDoc archives of recorded documents can be sorted according to categories, types, and in addition even according to projects.

Following the proper structuring of documents, the data access control function of the authorization module in the system permits access to each document only to the authorized persons.

Link logically related documents! All the documents filed in the TriDoc system can be linked with further documents, meaning that for example you may link to your contracts with related performance certificates, invoices.

Document Life-cycle Management

TriDoc standard system supports complete life-cycle management of each document, starting from its creation to the approval process, archiving and eventually deletion.

By integrating the registry functions of TriDoc into MS Office applications, just after saving the document, you can even right from the application register the document into the TriDoc system. By integrating e-mail-based office equipment (scanner, fax), even a large amount of documents can be registered automatically, without any human intervention.

When filing a document into the TriDoc system, you record any data on the data sheet that is relevant to your company. You can upload files of basically any type of format (eg pdf, doc, odt, xls, jpg, png, html, avi, wmv, etc.). The documents with all of their data are stored in the TriDoc archives, where they can quickly and easily be retrieved from.

The three-level versioning principle of the TriDoc system guarantees that all changes in documents can be traced exactly from version to version. All operations executed in the document sheets and versions (eg, open, lock, delete, approval, rejection) are recorded in the document history.

With the built-in workflow module the documents can be approved in workflows associated with document types and/or projects, defining the approver persons and levels according to the requirements.

Custom-tailored solution

The TriDoc standard product has been developed by incorporating many years of experience gained in large enterprise system implementations and developing customizing functions to support users of the system.

The different customization options, such as custom fields, document categories and types, or language customization, access roles can all become user tools that are easily manageable. The proper use significantly changes the TriDoc system behaviour and integrates with the companies operation.


TriDoc standard product is a server application that is a completely web-based system. As such it is accessible for your employees from any intra-or Internet , from anywhere and any time.

The system is based on Adobe Flex RIA technology, which essentially is suitable for the extension of web display capabilities and to achieve a higher level of ergonomics, where user find themselves in a custom tailored environment, and workflow is customized to their tasks.

The RIA interface advantages: platform independence

rich user interaction

faster response times

reduces server loading

reduces network traffic

parallel processes without loading the application server

Each product package contains a licence for 5 users to access the system. However, the number of licensed users can unlimitedly be extended with each additionally purchased 5 user product / licence package

The standard TriDoc is a multi-platform system, compatible with Windows, Linux and Macintosh environments. For the use of the product you will only need a web browser and an installed Adobe Flash Player plug-in.

The TriDoc standard 2.0 box includes a MySQL database, however, upon request MSSQL and Oracle-based database license versions are available.

The product enables bulk registration of documents through email-based fax and scanner integration. Thus, daily even thousands of documents can be automatically registered and this even without using any human resources.

Kuwait POS TriDoc_Technology

Document management

The menu items found in the document management menu, together with the associated functionalities, track the whole life cycle of each document, from initial saving all the way to archiving.

Dashboard provides quick and easy access to the most important functions necessary for dealing with daily document management tasks. Register your incoming documents, assign document preparation tasks, track your jobs associated with current documents!

The main functions accessible on Dashboard:

Rapid registration of documents

Task assignment

Individual job list

Rapid document search
Document registration

When company documents are registered in TriDoc, a document datasheet is created where all the metadata associated with the document are recorded. You can even store several versions of each document in its document datasheet, then track the saved versions with the help of document history.

Three level version management:The TriDoc system provides each entered file with a three-level version number, which is either entered by the user or generated by the system itself. In both cases, it is guaranteed that the document will be saved with a version number larger than that of the latest version.

Linking documents:Link your logically connected documents together. Link fulfilment certificates with your registered contracts, as well as receipt dockets and issued invoices!

Teamwork support:In the case of teamwork, the TriDoc system takes care that rival editing of a given document does not occur, and it is also possible to track who is editing the document at a given moment in every stage of the teamwork.

Individual document types and categories:Create individual document types and categories in accordance with your company's requirements! Fashion a unified documentation arrangement for your company!

Approval processes

Define individual approval processes for your various document types! Enter which colleague has to approve the given document types and in which order.

The approval route can be in parallel or in series, or a combination of these, where it can be entered separately in the parallel branches that every person responsible must approve the document. A deadline can be assigned to the given workflow, on the expiry of which an automatic warning is generated for the previously entered person and for his superior.

With the help of advanced approval, you can determine any number of approvers on any number of approval levels for your workflows.

My approval tasks

Track your current approval tasks on your approval job list. Check which documents are waiting for approval, as well as those which are already late in being assessed.

With a click you can check the core data for the documents to be approved as featured in the list, and the attached files, as well as the assessments given by the other users, then you can even assess the selected document immediately.

Document history

Would you like to know how many documents were rejected / approved by your colleagues in the past month

With the help of document history, every display, modification, lock or unlock, approval or rejection associated with every saved document datasheet or version can be displayed. The various log events can be displayed in connection with date, user, project, or even document categories.

If you reach this menu item from a document datasheet, you can examine the detailed history of the given document on the list screen.

Log entries screened according to various conditions can be exported from the system if required.

Archive - Search

You can store your electronic documents and information associated with these securely and in traceable form in the TriDoc system. The security of documents which must be retained for several years is guaranteed by technology related to the TriDoc database.

The various versions associated with the saved document datasheets can be searched quickly and easily in the TriDoc document archive based on the most important information found in them.

Document statistics

Always keep up to date with the chief indices related to the documents produced and saved by your company with the help of the TriDoc statistics functions.

Basic statistics functions found in the TriDoc system:

Number of new documents- Development of the number of recently entered documents and document versions with monthly breakdown.

Total number of documentsDevelopment of the total number of documents and document versions entered into the system with monthly breakdown.

Average waiting time by categoriesThe average approval or preparation time for documents by document categories.

Average waiting time by persons responsible- The average approval or preparation time for documents by persons responsible.

Partner management

Business customisation menu

Customise the TriDoc Easy document management system in accordance with your company's requirements! Exploit the potentials of the system, and fashion a unified documentation arrangement with the help of our system!

Core data

The content of the system's comboboxes can be modified or expanded at will. Before using TriDoc for the first time it is worth checking over the Core data, and possibly modifying them so they correspond to your company's operational procedures as well as possible.

Assigning projects

Documents entered can also be assigned to projects. Any desired number of projects can be entered into the TriDoc system, for each one of which individual access rights may be determined.

If required, individual approval workflows may also be defined for the projects.

Barcode printing

Introduce document barcode identification in your company too! Simply print barcodes from our system and stick them on your documents. Save your documents using the barcode identification, then search the entered documents by means of the barcodes.

Printing the barcodes involves generating PDF files, so for appropriate use of this function PDF reader software is needed.

Languages used

Use the TriDoc system in the ten predefined languages found in the box, or produce your own language version. For each of your colleagues, you can set up the language he wishes to use the system in.

Create individual language versions! The labels found in the system can be translated either directly in the system itself, or by importing a language file.

Customise languages

The language versions used in the system may be customised at will. You can modify individual labels, and even create a completely new language database. To make translation work easier the labels found in the system may be screened, and an auxiliary language can also be assigned alongside the source and target languages when translating. When translating, TriDoc also pays attention to the length of the translated labels, so they appear on the screen in a suitable manner.

More information and online demos >>

Customise fields

Would you like to save some individual data with your documents? Do you need individual fields?

With the TriDoc system, you can define up to 30 completely individual fields to save your data. Decide what type of fields you would like to create (text, numerical, date), as well as where these fields should appear. Customise our document management system in accordance with your company's requirements!

E-mail, FAX and scanner integration

By creating registration channels for e-mail based documents, you can easily automise group registration of your documents arriving by e-mail or fax. Documents coming in on the various channels are automatically registered according to predefined parameters (title, document category, type, registry book, project).

With the help of scanners supporting the e-mail function, registration of scanned documents no longer requires human resources.

Microsoft Office integration

Register your documents directly from the Microsoft Office application! Use your standard forms entered into TriDoc when preparing your company documents!

Install Microsoft supplementary add-in modules produced for our product!

Administration menu

The most important system and user settings for the TriDoc product are located in the administration menu. The menu items dealing with authorisation management are also found here.


The administrator may register any desired number of users in the TriDoc system, at one time the system may only be used by the number of users corresponding to the uploaded licences. In the interest of secure use of the system, TriDoc supports both TRISSO and LDAP identification.

Assign various access roles to the users, which determine the functions and categories in the system for which a given user has authorisation.

User settings

TriDoc users may modify their own data, e-mail addresses and passwords at any time in the user settings.

Designate a proxy who takes over all of your assigned duties in your absence.

Track your documentation tasks even via mobile phone! Use regular e-mail notification to check your current documentation jobs!


Are you going on holiday? Will you not be working for an extended period due to illness?

With the TriDoc standard proxy function, you can easily transfer your document management jobs to another user. Appoint another user to stand proxy for you in your absence, and enjoy your holidays, as all your tasks and authorisations will devolve on your proxy.

With the help of the central proxy management function, authorised users may check or manage the proxies associated with all the users in the system.

Function authorisations

Simply determine who can perform what operations on which documents with the help of the incorporated authorisation management module. The authorisations may be determined on the basis of access roles. One user may even have several access roles.

For every access role, the functions accessible to the user possessed of the access role may be entered. The authorisations for the system menu items and for every button within these may be defined one by one.

Category authorisations

The TriDoc system also supports data level authorisation management. With the help of category authorisations, the type of access possessed by various users can be determined in connection with documents associated with each document category.

Project authorisations

The other form of data level authorisation is when the accessibility to documents associated with projects is made dependent on access roles.

With organizing documents into projects, which have individual access rights TriDoc supports the company in managing project related documents.

System settings

Operation of the system is determined by various basic settings, these may be modified primarily by the system administrator. Among other things, the LDAP settings, the size of the system log and the format of registration numbers may be defined here.

System log

Which user has altered which item, when and how is automatically logged in the TriDoc system log. With various screening conditions, the recorded system log may be listed, or if required printed or exported. The system log contains data for the period entered in the system settings.

Licence management

The 5 users found in the standard TriDoc product box may be extended with additional users if required (in groups of 5 users). Simply purchase additional product boxes and add the licence codes in them to your installed system!

To activate the licence codes, an Internet connection is required!



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