Administration menu
The most important system and user settings for the TriDoc product are located in the administration menu. The menu items dealing with authorisation management are also found here.
The administrator may register any desired number of users in the TriDoc system, at one time the system may only be used by the number of users corresponding to the uploaded licences. In the interest of secure use of the system, TriDoc supports both TRISSO and LDAP identification.
Assign various access roles to the users, which determine the functions and categories in the system for which a given user has authorisation.
User settings
TriDoc users may modify their own data, e-mail addresses and passwords at any time in the user settings.
Designate a proxy who takes over all of your assigned duties in your absence.
Track your documentation tasks even via mobile phone! Use regular e-mail notification to check your current documentation jobs!
Are you going on holiday? Will you not be working for an extended period due to illness?
With the TriDoc standard proxy function, you can easily transfer your document management jobs to another user. Appoint another user to stand proxy for you in your absence, and enjoy your holidays, as all your tasks and authorisations will devolve on your proxy.
With the help of the central proxy management function, authorised users may check or manage the proxies associated with all the users in the system.
Function authorisations
Simply determine who can perform what operations on which documents with the help of the incorporated authorisation management module. The authorisations may be determined on the basis of access roles. One user may even have several access roles.
For every access role, the functions accessible to the user possessed of the access role may be entered. The authorisations for the system menu items and for every button within these may be defined one by one.
Category authorisations
The TriDoc system also supports data level authorisation management. With the help of category authorisations, the type of access possessed by various users can be determined in connection with documents associated with each document category.
Project authorisations
The other form of data level authorisation is when the accessibility to documents associated with projects is made dependent on access roles.
With organizing documents into projects, which have individual access rights TriDoc supports the company in managing project related documents.
System settings
Operation of the system is determined by various basic settings, these may be modified primarily by the system administrator. Among other things, the LDAP settings, the size of the system log and the format of registration numbers may be defined here.
System log
Which user has altered which item, when and how is automatically logged in the TriDoc system log. With various screening conditions, the recorded system log may be listed, or if required printed or exported. The system log contains data for the period entered in the system settings.
Licence management
The 5 users found in the standard TriDoc product box may be extended with additional users if required (in groups of 5 users). Simply purchase additional product boxes and add the licence codes in them to your installed system!
To activate the licence codes, an Internet connection is required!